If Fujifilm keeps putting out new sensors paired with new film simulations, I’ll keep buying them. The best part of the film simulations are using them as a visual inspiration. With the new X-T4 coming out with its new Bleach Bypass, I’m getting a little envious and impatient for an Xpro3 update.
My initial idea was to use the new Classic Neg because of the color science behind it, but I don’t get the contrast I want to portray that the Bypass seems to have. I opted for Classic Chrome and a few tweaks. My first photo came out pretty well. It was during a stormy day, so I don’t know if I’ll get that iconic beach look. Keep in mind I set everything to auto except my aperture and used exposure compensation to experiment.
I love shooting in the rain. There’s immediately a story of man vs nature.
The next day, sunny as it will ever get, I snagged a few shots while at my coffee shop of choice.
All of these photos I overexposed by one stop.
I’m really digging the sunflare and colors. It looks a lot like film to me.
What would the simulation look like in a darker setting? What if I under exposed by a stop?
Straight out of camera, these are incredible. I’ve been continuously shooting with it all week. To the point, this article is to share my own findings with the rest of the community. So here it is:
Bleach Bypass (Overexpose by +1 or underexpose -1)
Film Simulation: Classic Chrome
Noise Reduction: -2
Tones: Highlights +1 Shadows +4
Color: -4
Sharpness: 0
Auto White Balance
Here are some extra photos to look through!